Partnerships with Foundations and Corporations
Foundations are the cornerstone of scaling our impact, yet more than 70% of foundations don’t accept unsolicited proposals. This creates a significant barrier for new organizations or organizations that don’t have development staff with strong personal relationships with donors, which can limit access to critical funding sources, especially for marginalized groups. If you like our model, we really need your help sharing our work with other donors. Just a simple introduction from one donor to another is a tremendous way to support regeneration. Many donors are new to the concept of regeneration and don’t yet know how transitioning farmers to regenerative agriculture can help scale up multiple outcomes they seek to support, from clean water to women’s empowerment to biodiversity protection. Help us grow the donor base for regeneration. Share our linkedIn profile and content with others in your networks.
We partner with forward-thinking corporations dedicated to sustainability. We offer services to help advance regenerative agricultural ingredient supply chain transformations. We can help you locate or train producer groups in regenerative agriculture and match you with experts and innovations to help your suppliers grow superior-quality tree crops. Our approach helps ensure local food security while protecting high biodiversity forests, and this helps companies advance on their SDG commitments. Want to develop a tree planting program that counts real long-term community benefits and climate impact rather than just the number of trees planted? We help farmers plant and care for high-value trees that draw down carbon while improving their economic well-being. This is the key that we have found, ensuring every tree is valued so communities make long-term commitments to protect remaining forests and participate in large-scale, diverse reforestation efforts that last. We have the solution to halting deforestation. We help companies develop customized tree planting programs to reach biodiversity and net-zero carbon emissions goals. Our approach builds climate resilience and women’s empowerment for grower communities in your supply chain, leading to long term protection and survival of the trees you plant, and reducing your ingredient sourcing risks over the long term. Corporate sponsorship can include investment in the co-creation of a new Regeneration Hub with your farmer suppliers. This kind of investment has a ripple effect designed to grow into the long-term restoration of entire ingredient supply landscapes. Contact Us to learn more and let us help you start regenerating your ingredient supply today!
Partnerships with Faith Based & other Groups, Schools & Teams

Many hands make light work. We need all hands on deck to heal the climate and realize climate justice for everyone on Earth. Any group willing to help regenerate can make a huge difference. Take the lead and ask groups you are involved in to join the effort. Together your group can spend an afternoon, a month, a holiday, or a year pitching in and helping us raise awareness and funding to plant life-saving trees and build Regeneration Hubs. Working together we can restore more of the degraded lands on the earth. Contact us to explore ways your group can help scale regeneration.